Any way so the last day we started with the Air and Space museum on the national mall but I have to say that I wasn't very impressed with this one. Mike took a few pictures of this place but a combination of being tired and disappointed prevented us from enjoying this one as much as the first. (Don't worry though...the day did get better)
One thing that we did like at this museum was the Wright Flyer. The first airplane :)
The Spirit of St. Louis. This airplane was the solo-flight across the Atlantic.
Our next stop was the National Gallery of Art. This was Joshua's pick and so he was pretty excited about this one. I will say that the building was beautiful but extremely boring. I think that Joshua was expecting art by DaVinci, Van Gogh, and other famous artists so when their weren't any it was a little disappointing. We also got yelled at in this smithsonian. Apparently you have to stand about 4 feet from any painting and you can't point to them because to them if you point, then you can touch...of course you're 4 feet away or more at this point. So we got yelled at for pointing at a painting and standing about 2 feet away. (I have to add that their are no signs explaining the rules and their are no barriers around any of the paintings). I'm also still slightly confused as to why I'm allowed to lean on the glass case that contains the Constitution of this country but I'm not allowed within 4 feet of a painting.
However we did have a good time walking around and providing dialogue for the people in each painting. It was quite entertaining and got moods up and I was able to find one or two paintings that I liked.
Our next stop was the American Indian Museum. This was my dad's pick but I was pretty excited about this one. This museum is the newest and it had some really interesting things inside.
The guys found this cool statue and wanted to take pictures with it. They can be so silly.
We also got to see the Mayan calendar. After spending 1 minute studying the Mayan calendar I can tell you with 99.9% certainty that the world will definitely be ending on Dec. 21, 2012 ;)
At this point in our trip we had yet to visit the Capital building. So we began the hike up capital hill. We found out that we couldn't go inside...without giving up everything we had with we opted just to take pictures outside and call it a successful trip.
The very last stop on our trip to Washington DC was the Library of Congress. This building is the most beautiful place in DC. The only disappointing thing was that you can't take pictures of the actual know the famous shot from National Treasure...because people are actually studying in there :( So you'll just have to settle for the pictures I was able to get...
The trip was great and definitely a success. We had tons of fun and left with absolutely no desire to walk ever again :)
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