Don't get me wrong this calling wasn't easy and every sunday was not fun. However, I was sad today but happy that my little girls were in a cuddly mood today.
Every Sunday these kids wiggle, whine, not follow instructions or listen, and a few occasionally cry! (No- we're not mean teachers...) But so many times these kids will just melt my heart the way the care about one another when they hear one of the kids isn't there b/c they're sick. Or when they seem to not be paying attention at all to what we're trying to teach them & then they give me an answer that leaves me realizing that we adults just make the gospel way to complicated.
Example: Easter lesson and I ask "why did Jesus die on the cross for us?" Aeris:"Because he loves us a lot" (Well she is right and we really could just end it there)
And most of all I'm going to miss their sweet spirits and loving smiles each Sunday. Because even when I'm having a bad morning and I'm a bit down b/c I don't have my own children yet (for some reasons Sundays seem to be the most difficult days in regards to this)... they give me this BIG SMILE or HUG and it truly makes me feel better, even if just for a minute or two.
Just the girls (Aeris, Samantha, Abigail(very cuddly today :), Me, Jocelyn and Sophia)
-Skyler joined us for this picture
I LOVE THESE KIDS!!!! Thanks guys for teaching me too!
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