love story

Thursday, April 16, 2020

dan and school

Daniel is doing so well with his school at home. He does ask everyday if he is getting to go back soon but he's still working really hard. Much to Mike's dismay Dan is learning to tell time now but its also much to see him point out the time wherever we go. His writing is getting better when he slows down. I'm also super impressed that his speech teacher is doing virtual classes with him once a week. Dan gets super excited to see Mrs. Kimball and is doing great with his lessons with her.

Its been fun to do more science with him and to really see what he likes to do and what works. Liam is a bit of a problem because if its a video then Liam wants to be around for it but thats a distraction so we're working on it. This week we've been learning about insects which I'll be happy to move on from but at least his favorite is the ladybug which isn't big and scary.

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