These pictures will give you a good idea of how much we had to move, although its not quite everything. We had some wonderful friends come over to help us. Mike, Derek and Nick carried all of the heavy stuff over to our new place while the girls scrubbed the old apartment til it shined. Our friends Lisa and Skyler came over and helped us move too. With all the help we had, the move only took about an hour and the cleaning just a few more hours after that. Once we had moved, Lisa and Skyler helped us move in and unpack in our new place. Then to relax after a tiring day we went out for dinner with them and watched Sherlock Holmes in our new house. It was a fun day. I'm so grateful for such good friends who are so willing to help and do anything we asked. We totally owe them!
I'm going to post a few pics of our new apartment but I'll post better ones once we're completely unpacked and decorated.
This is our living room from the back door. I love the window in the kitchen so I can see into the living room.
This is our new kitchen! Twice the cabinet space as our last apartment!
This is the new den/guestroom/storage until we have guests ;)
Our bedroom! I love having two windows and my own closet!
Thank you Taylor, Derek, Sara, Nick, Lisa and Skyler for all of your help! We couldn't have done it without you!
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