This is the crowd that was there at the beginning. Our friends Skyler and Lisa came over to play with us and then our friend Jeff came too. It was a pretty fun group.
This is the real group shot :) Sara and Nick came a little late but we still had a lot of fun. I had everyone wear party hats and I wore a princess crown because Mike said I was the birthday princess. I had to stand out.
Now its time for cake!!!! Mike made me my favorite funfetti birthday cake! It was delicious :)
The girls :) (Lisa, Me, Sara)
We played Apple to Apples. I don't think I've laughed that much in a long time!
We then had balloon fights! Then we sang Disney songs and songs from wicked! I'll post videos later :)
I had so much fun at my party!!! I missed those who couldn't come but theirs always next year :) Thank you for coming everyone, it was great!
Mike got a me a keg for my 21st birthday :)

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