I have some amazing men in my life. I'm a pretty lucky girl.
First, is my daddy. My dad always has been and always will be the strongest and smartest man on the planet to me. My dad was always the one I went to for help in science and math. He always, even when I went to college, made time to help me with my homework. He always pushes me to keep going and to do my best. He always reminds me that I can do anything that I want to do as long as I work hard. He drove me to seminary for the first two years of high school. Those were always fun rides to school because it gave us lots of time to talk. He always took my me to the park and would push me on the swing. He would talk in a silly voice in the car and it always made me laugh. My dad used to sing me to sleep with the song, "Give Said the Little Stream" in Spanish, to this day its the only song I know in Spanish and I sing it when I babysit and put the kids to bed. He still treats me like his little girl and loves me unconditionally. He always tells me that I am his favorite daughter, while I am the only daughter, I think I really am the favorite ;). Dad, thank you for the support in school and life, for all of the hugs, for being a friend, for the tickle monster, bedtime songs, for taking me to park, for reading to me and taking me to the library, for watching princess movies with me, for making me laugh and for teaching me what it means to be a strong member of the Church and to have faith in Jesus Christ. Thank you for being a powerful example and my superhero. I love you Daddy with all of my heart. Wish I could have spent today with you.
The next man in my life is my wonderful husband Mike...a future daddy! Mike is going to be an amazing Dad someday. I love watching you with our little sunbeams every Sunday. I love watching you hold Aeris and help Alaina with her coloring. It makes me smile to see how much they love you and how much you love being with them. You are so sweet and kind and I love that you make me laugh. I'm so happy that we are still in the "honeymoon" phase of marriage and I hope we never leave. I love that you are silly and that you remind me that its ok to play in the rain, to squeal with delight when something wonderful happens and to have pillow/tickle fights. You remind me that just because we are adults, doesn't mean that we can't be like children sometimes. I love that the little things make you happy. I love that you are strong when I can't be and that you remind me of all I am capable of. I love you and I can't wait until we have our own children and I can tell them how wonderful their daddy is.
Next, my father-in-law J Epperson. I'm still the newest member of the Epperson family but I know that J is a wonderful dad. Without you J, Mike wouldn't have grown up to be the man I fell in love with. So thank you J for raising such a wonderful son and teaching him how to be kind, how important the gospel is and much more. Thank you for your constant love and support. Love you.
Two other important men in my life are my two grandfathers. My Papa passed away when I was 10 but he was a great dad for my mom and a wonderful Papa. He used to take me to the park, out for my favorite ice cream and for cinnamon rolls as big as my head for breakfast. He got me out in the pool when I was scared of the water and he and my grandma came to my baptism. I know that he loved me.
My grandpa, dad's dad, is also a wonderful grandpa. I go to visit when mike and I are in Utah and he always wants to know how school is going and he really listens. He and I used to take the dog for a walk together all the time. It was our time. Both of my grandpa's were wonderful dad's, without them I wouldn't have the parents that I have. They also taught me many things. I love you Grandpa Williams and I'm so happy that I live close by so that I can come visit. I miss you Papa...I wish you were still here but I know you love me and I love you too.
Thank you to all of the other dads that I know. Without you, the people that I look up to and love might not be who they are today. I love you all and I'm grateful for your examples.
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