Their was a fireworks show after the concert that was amazing. I feel like most of the time July 4th is just about 'who can blow the most crap up'. I felt like this performance really captured the spirit of the holiday and celebrated our country and our freedoms...the way this holiday was meant to be celebrated. The fireworks were timed to patriotic music, which the audience sang along too and their were pauses after every song when they played videos of veterans from Idaho who talked about why they love America. They showed pictures during the show of the different battles we have fought and talked about the pride and spirit of America. It was an amazing celebration! The entire day was wonderful! It was great to be with Mike and with friends. We had a great time!
Mike with his trumpet before the show :)
Lisa and I waiting for the fireworks :)
Mike and I :)
Glenn Beck speaking on stage before the fireworks show :) Don't ya love the giant flag.
Flag raising and the Teton backdrop :)
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