Unfortunately we couldn't take any pictures inside or outside the pentagon so I don't have any evidence of our trip there so you'll just have to take my word for it. Its amazing- a lot of walking but amazing. If you're ever in DC, I suggest planning a tour of the Pentagon- if you don't mind walking :)
Arlington was......ok. If you have ever been to Arlington, you know that you have to walk everywhere and its huge. I wouldn't have minded the walking if it hadn't been so HOT! I was so tired by the time we got to this point that I wasn't too excited about walking everywhere but I went with everyone else. Mike, Josh, my dad and I went to see the tomb of the unknown soldier which is always a neat experience. My mom decided to trek up the hill and see Arlington House at the top overlooking DC.
We also got to see the eternal flame and the graves of JFK and Jackie Kennedy.
After Arlington we walked to the Lincoln Memorial. I was in the beginning stages of heat exhaustion at this point so I didn't enjoy this too much but as tired as I was...this monument still took my breath away. Its beautiful and I still say that Lincoln got the best monument in DC. Its huge and beautiful.
Overall, I would say that day 2 was definitely the hardest for me since we were out in the sun for the majority of the day and it was really hot. The trip was still fun though. The Pentagon was the highlight of the day but the Lincoln Memorial was definitely second (it probably would have been first if I hadn't been sick at the time).
Stay tuned for day 3 :)
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