love story

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Hospital Pictures

While we were staying in the hospital after Daniel was born our friend Stephanie asked if she could come to the hospital and take pictures of Daniel and our family. At first I didn't want her to just because I figured I looked really tired and Dan was still so tiny. Looking back, even just 2 weeks later, I'm so happy she came and captured those first few moments when our little boy had just come from heaven. She was able to capture that innocence on his face and our first moments as a family of three.

I don't want to forget those few precious moments and days. He has already grown so much and seems so different just at 2 weeks old. Life if different for sure with a baby but he is our miracle and we love him.

Thank you Stephanie for taking these wonderful pictures for us. I love that we have so many pictures of these first few hours.

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