Happy 5 months Dan!
Weight: 14 lbs 10oz
Length: 23 1/2 inches
I can't believe my little boy is already 5 months old! He is still so sweet and happy!
- He is wearing 0-3 month clothes for the most part although he is staring to wear some 3-6 month things too. The problem is his height so with pants he is still in the smaller sizes.
- He still loves bath time and being naked. He is happiest on the changing table and will just talk and talk and smile. His favorite room in the apartment is our bathroom. Even if he is super upset all we have to do is take him to the bathroom and he stops and starts smiling. Its super funny!
- Dan is a wonderful traveler! He has no problem being in his car seat and loves to look out the window( like his mom) and just enjoys seeing the world around him. The only problem we're starting to have is that on longer trips (no more than the time it takes to get to Charleston) he will get lonely so we'll stop and just go say hi so he remembers we're there too.
- He is usually a good napper. He likes his swing most of the time. Lately he has started doing this thing that if he sees you he will start to whine like he is upset and then as soon as the person starts to talk to him then he starts smiling. Then if you start to walk away he will whine again. He only does it once or twice then stops and just plays or sleeps but its a new game for him.
- He LOVES his playmat! I don't know what we would do without it. He chews on it and hits it and just loves to play on it. He also loves this little stuffed worm that he is constantly chewing on and holding onto.
- Daniel is rolling over now. He will roll easily from belly to back and has been for a while now but he is stubborn about going from back to belly. He can but he doesn't like it. He has learned to just go to his side and stop and hang out like that...silly boy!
- He is a pretty good sleeper at night. Usually he will sleep until about 6:30 and then he's up for the day.
- Dan is such a strong little guy. He loves to attempt to sit up and tries to pull himself up while he is laying down.
-Daniel is a very social little boy. He loves having people to talk to and is so sweet. We just love him more and more everyday. We love his laugh and smile and we're so excited for all of the new things coming up! We love having you in our family Daniel!
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