love story

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

7 Years

We were lucky that for our anniversary this year, grandma kate was able to come up and stay with the boys for the day while we got to go celebrate. It was so nice to not have to worry about the boys at all and just go out with Mike for the whole day and have fun!

We started our day with the temple. We got up at 5am to get an early start and went to the Mt. Timpanogos temple. We had a great session and it was a beautiful temple. I couldn't believe how big it is. The only downside was that it was cold but it was a peaceful and relaxing way to spend the morning.

After the temple we went out for breakfast. Donuts at Macey's and they were so yummy!

We went home to change after breakfast and then we headed to Provo. We went shopping and just walked the mall for awhile. We went to lunch at Red Robin! It was soooo good. We ate wayyy too many fries but they were so good! Our waiter just kept the fries coming :)

We went to the Orem mall to walk lunch off. We went to Downeast and I bought a new skirt. (They were only $20!) After we didn't feel quite so full we went to Get Air Hangtime to jump on trampolines. We only paid for an hour but we were exhausted about about a half hour haha. We're quite pathetic. We had so much fun jumping though and Mike was teaching me all kinds of tricks.

We went to Chick fil A for dinner before the movies.

We knew we wanted to go to the movies and we had been going back and forth for weeks about which movie we would go see. Finally I decided we would go see Beauty and the Beast. My inner 5 year old was so excited! The movie was so good! I thought it was amazing! I went through every emotion during this movie! I could watch it over and over and I don't think I'd get sick of it. It was the perfect ending to a perfect day!

We also went out for ice cream with the boys a couple days later at the BYU creamery to finish our celebration.

Happy Anniversary Mike! I love you so much! You're the best husband! Its been a crazy and amazing 7 years but I wouldn't want to do it with anyone but you! I can't wait to continue our journey together!

Happy 10 months mr. magoo!

Happy 10 months to the sweetest baby boy ever!

Height: 28 1/4 inches
Weight: 20 lbs 1oz

- Liam is walking along everything! He is a fast crawler and scoots on his bottom a lot to get to a standing position. He can stand up without holding something but hasn't taken a step yet. 

- Liam loves bath time and loves to go outside. We try to go for a walk everyday so dan can run and liam can get some fresh air. He also loves going down the slide at the park with mommy :)

- He is eating lots of food now and is a pretty good eater. He wants to eat everything we're eating. His favorites though are pears, mango, yogurt, waffles, bread, carrots and banana. 

- Liam is sleeping through the night every night now. He goes to bed at 8 and gets up around 7:30 and sometimes later if Dan doesn't go wake him up. He usually gets out of his swaddle during the night and we almost always find him on his belly with his butt in the air. 

- He is babbling a lot these days. He says 'mama', 'dada', 'baba' and 'lala'. 

- He loves playing with his brother and with mommy. He really loves his daddy. He gets the biggest smile when Mike gets home from work.  

- Liam is always on the move. He isn't a big snuggler unless he's sick. He's very ticklish and has the best smile and laugh. 

- He loves music and loves when mommy sings to him. I love our rocking chair time. Its the closest I get to snuggles when he is all swaddled and he lets me sing to him. 

- Liam doesn't like to be hot and he doesn't like getting dressed. Listening to the process of putting clothes on him you'd think he was being tortured. He also doesn't like when he's locked out of room everyone is in. Daniel does this to him a lot so now any closed door he gets upset cause he's either trapped in a room or locked out of the fun.

We love you Liam!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Liam's nursery

I finally finished Liam's nursery! I've been slowly working on it since Christmas. I knew I wanted to do a Disney nursery because I got the idea from a friend who told me she was doing it for her baby girl. So since I love doing puzzles, I asked for 4 of them for Christmas. I got them so during nap time for the last few months I've been putting them together. He already had Winnie the Pooh and a pooh bear quilt so these 4 puzzles fit perfectly.

I love it and I love that my baby has a nice room :)

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Happy 9 months Mr. Magoo!

My baby is 9 months old! He's growing up so fast!

- Liam is standing up and walking on everything! He is also a super fast crawler. He finally started crawling on his hands and knees and is realizing its much faster. He wants to walk so bad but he still isn't letting go with both hands, just one and then reaching forward as far as he can.

- Liam loves bath time!! He loves to watch Daniel take a bath, he gets excited any time he hears anyone in the bath or shower and crawls to the bathroom and stands by the tub with a huge smile. (Its a bit of a disappointment if I'm just cleaning the tub) Its so cute to watch him splash and crawl in the water :)

- He is starting to get tired of the swaddle. He is sleeping through the night but I'm sure its going to be a rough transition to go to bed without the swaddle so I'm anticipating some sleepless nights. He is breaking free of it though.

- He still only has 2 teeth but I think a top tooth is close to breaking through.

- Liam is such a happy boy. He gives anyone who makes eye contact with him a huge smile (I think he knows how cute he is)

- Liam is my sweet little boy. He usually isn't a cuddler but lately he's been wanted to snuggle with Mike a lot. I think he's missing his daddy.