love story

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Happy 10 months mr. magoo!

Happy 10 months to the sweetest baby boy ever!

Height: 28 1/4 inches
Weight: 20 lbs 1oz

- Liam is walking along everything! He is a fast crawler and scoots on his bottom a lot to get to a standing position. He can stand up without holding something but hasn't taken a step yet. 

- Liam loves bath time and loves to go outside. We try to go for a walk everyday so dan can run and liam can get some fresh air. He also loves going down the slide at the park with mommy :)

- He is eating lots of food now and is a pretty good eater. He wants to eat everything we're eating. His favorites though are pears, mango, yogurt, waffles, bread, carrots and banana. 

- Liam is sleeping through the night every night now. He goes to bed at 8 and gets up around 7:30 and sometimes later if Dan doesn't go wake him up. He usually gets out of his swaddle during the night and we almost always find him on his belly with his butt in the air. 

- He is babbling a lot these days. He says 'mama', 'dada', 'baba' and 'lala'. 

- He loves playing with his brother and with mommy. He really loves his daddy. He gets the biggest smile when Mike gets home from work.  

- Liam is always on the move. He isn't a big snuggler unless he's sick. He's very ticklish and has the best smile and laugh. 

- He loves music and loves when mommy sings to him. I love our rocking chair time. Its the closest I get to snuggles when he is all swaddled and he lets me sing to him. 

- Liam doesn't like to be hot and he doesn't like getting dressed. Listening to the process of putting clothes on him you'd think he was being tortured. He also doesn't like when he's locked out of room everyone is in. Daniel does this to him a lot so now any closed door he gets upset cause he's either trapped in a room or locked out of the fun.

We love you Liam!!

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