love story

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Happy 9 months Mr. Magoo!

My baby is 9 months old! He's growing up so fast!

- Liam is standing up and walking on everything! He is also a super fast crawler. He finally started crawling on his hands and knees and is realizing its much faster. He wants to walk so bad but he still isn't letting go with both hands, just one and then reaching forward as far as he can.

- Liam loves bath time!! He loves to watch Daniel take a bath, he gets excited any time he hears anyone in the bath or shower and crawls to the bathroom and stands by the tub with a huge smile. (Its a bit of a disappointment if I'm just cleaning the tub) Its so cute to watch him splash and crawl in the water :)

- He is starting to get tired of the swaddle. He is sleeping through the night but I'm sure its going to be a rough transition to go to bed without the swaddle so I'm anticipating some sleepless nights. He is breaking free of it though.

- He still only has 2 teeth but I think a top tooth is close to breaking through.

- Liam is such a happy boy. He gives anyone who makes eye contact with him a huge smile (I think he knows how cute he is)

- Liam is my sweet little boy. He usually isn't a cuddler but lately he's been wanted to snuggle with Mike a lot. I think he's missing his daddy.

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