love story

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Easter BBQ

The day before Easter Mike's office decided to have a work BBQ. The boys and I had a very busy day because we also had a lunch time Easter egg hunt and lunch at church. I was worried that the boys would be cranky because they would get no nap but luckily they had too much fun.

We went to a park in West Valley and except for it being a little windy which made it a little chilly, it was a beautiful sunny day. Mike brought our Weber grill and did the burgers and Daniel got to play on the playground and had so much fun. Liam got passed around by everyone at the office and loved the attention. (I'm sure he knows he's cute) It was fun to eat and talk and it was nice for me to get to know the people in the office better.

I don't think I've seen Daniel this excited in a while. He loved the playground, he loved eating watermelon and I'm pretty sure he filled up on it cause he didn't want dinner and he also loved playing with a puppy who was at the pavilion next to ours. 

Liam loved helping daddy grill the burgers

In addition to watermelon, Dan also ate chips dipped in guacamole.

Liam loved Ruth :)

After we ate, we had an egg hunt for the kids. Their was a huge field behind the pavilion so we just threw the eggs into the grass and let the kids go crazy. We also had a little baby area set up for the two little babies who just wanted to hold the eggs and eat them but couldn't walk around to find them yet :)

Daniel had fun running around and found a lot of eggs. The only problem was that by this point he was so tired and on a sugar high so he couldn't walk straight so I carried his basket and he would just run and throw the candy in the basket. We had to tell him that he gets to keep the egg too and put the candy back in the eggs. I don't think it will surprise you when I tell you that he did not want to go home. 

The front office at Dr. Calvin's also made Easter baskets for each of the kids. Dan and Liam loved them!

Thank you Dr. Calvin's Chiropractic for a wonderful day and all the wonderful Easter gifts!

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