love story

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Happy Easter

We had a really nice Easter this year. It was just the 4 of us. We started the day at church and I loved all the lessons about the Atonement. I loved teaching the sunbeams about Christ and the Atonement.

Mike wanted to match the boys this year. So we went tie shopping and got the boys matching ties. I really can't handle the cuteness of all my guys!!

Don't Daniel and Liam look adorable!!!!

The Easter bunny came for the boys this year and was very nice. The boys loved their books and stuffed animals. Daniel loved his treats and Liam just loved playing with all the eggs :)

Happy Easter everyone. As fun as the Easter bunny is, it's important to take the time to focus on the reason we celebrate which is the resurrection of the Savior. I'm so grateful for Christs Atonement and resurrection. Because of Him, I get to be with Mike and my little babies forever!

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