love story

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Christmas 2019

We had a very nice and very blessed Christmas this year. We had so much fun getting stuff for each other this year and the boys also got presents for each person in our family which they loved doing! We had Aunt Stacey with us for Christmas this year too which was fun.

Mike and I got up early to make sure the boys didn't come out before us but they actually slept in a little bit which Mike found very annoying. When they did get up though they were super excited. Liam first said "I want to go see what Santa brought me". We made a video of the boys going out to see the tree and it is the sweetest reaction. We did our stockings first and they loved all their treats. We also got our traditional ornaments. We got buzz and woody for Liam because he still loves toy story. We got Mickey doing art for Dan because he's been so interested in art lately. Mike got me the Lion King anniversary ornament and Mike got Goofy :)


We had the traditional Epperson Christmas breakfast of waffles with strawberries and ice cream!

The boys got so many nice presents and were very happy, as were we all! A couple cute stories:

- Daniel got Mike a teddy bear for Christmas. He spent so much time looking and I kept trying to encourage other things. Finally he said he needed to get daddy a bear so that if daddy was scared at night then teddy could keep him safe. So sweet- so now teddy sleeps with us.

- Liam has been talking about this cat piano for months! I think he could've just gotten the piano and been happy. He opened it and shouted "Santa got me what I asked for!"

- Dan got a vacuum this year! He loves to vacuum and this one actually sucks stuff up!

- Mike got me the best ornament! I've been asking for the Little Mermaid anniversary ornament for a while now :) Its my favorite of all my ornaments!

My present from Daniel

Thank you Uncle Doug!

A gift from Liam

He has a vacuum now!

We had fun playing with toys all day and talking to family. We had a yummy dinner and Daniel surprised me because he ate some of everything. Mike, Stacey and I also had fun playing Harry Potter Trivial Pursuit.

The best part for me was that we actually got a family picture because we had Stacey there to take it!

Merry Christmas!!!

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