love story

Friday, December 31, 2010

Christmas Cookies!!!

Making Christmas cookies is a tradition in my family and is one of the few things that I asked my family not to do until Mike and I got there so that we could participate. Usually I just frost the cookies and decorate but this year I also made the cookies. They were so yummy!

Happy Birthday Mike!!

Mike's 23rd birthday was the 21st of December. This was the first time that I got to celebrate his birthday with him and I was so excited!! We just spent the whole day relaxing and we went out to dinner with my family. That night we had cheesecake for his birthday!

Happy Birthday Mike!! You're the best husband in the world! I love you so much, I can't wait for many more birthday's together!

Happy Birthday Mom!!

My mom had a birthday this month! The big 50!!! My dad planned a surprise party for her and I found out about it on the morning of her birthday. We were very sneaky, we took a house key to the person who was decorating so that she could get in the house to set up while we were out. Then, since my family hadn't seen Harry Potter yet, we took my mom to the movie. Then we led her into the dark house and all of her friends jumped out and yelled 'surprise'!!

All of her friends who came to the party!

The wonderful and tasty birthday cake that Barb Crubaugh bought for the party! It was so so good!!

Happy Birthday Mom!!! We love you!

Mike's Concert

Mike was in University band this semester and it was his first time playing band in 4 years! At the end of the semester, he had a concert. His mom and brother Doug came down to Rexburg to hear him play. The concert was wonderful and it was so much fun to see him play.

Isn't he handsome? :)

Not staged at all ;)

You did an amazing job playing trumpet sweetie! I loved seeing/hearing you play. I love you sweetie!

Thanksgiving 2010!

So, I know this is late but I wanted to post pics of our Thanksgiving. Mike and I spent Thanksgiving in Billings, MT with mike's family. It was freezing in billings, I think their were two days where I didn't even leave the house. But despite the cold, we had a lot of fun!

I couldn't do a post without saydi! She kept me company for the two days that no else was home!

We had fun playing with our nephew Max. He taught me all about airplanes and helicoptors!

Debbie, Kate and I planned Thanksgiving dinner :) (with a little assistance from mike). I had never planned a Thanksgiving dinner before so I really enjoyed it.

Who knew cardboard could be so exciting?!

The boys prepared for black friday....

While the women cooked dinner....

And Uncle Mike played trumpet for Max

Happy Thanksgiving! (my best attempt at a family picture)

Uncle Mike and Max working on a puzzle together :)

Since we weren't going to be with Mike's family for Christmas, we had an early Christmas after Thanksgiving.