love story

Monday, February 27, 2017

Dinosaur Museum

Mike had a day off so we took the boys to the Provo dinosaur museum. Daniel had so much fun running around the museum. He didn't climb into the skulls but Liam had fun getting eaten by the dinosaurs. It was a pretty impressive museum. It had a lot more than I was expecting.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Valentines Day

We had a great Valentines Day this year. Mike had the day off from work (just a happy coincidence) so we got to spend the day together! In the morning I took Dan and we went and picked up yummy donuts for breakfast. Then we fed Liam and drove to South Jordan and checked the area out as a potential place to move when our contract is up here.

The boys took naps and I got to go down to our apartment club house for some quiet time. I love it because they have a little sitting room with a big comfy couch and its quiet and warm. I usually watch a show and I also get a quiet space to read. Its the best! After naps we went and ran  a few errands and picked up the movie Storks to watch that night.

We had Olive Garden for dinner. Mike went to pick it up so we got to eat yummy food and cheese cake for dessert in our pajamas! It was a great day and I'm so glad Mike had the day off so we could all be together. I got lots of cuddles from my two littlest valentines and Mike got me a coupon for a massage that I will get next week and I'm so excited!

I love getting to celebrate love with my 3 loves :) I felt very loved and I hope my valentines did too!