love story

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Happy Easter

So most important things first. The reason we celebrate Easter is to celebrate the life and resurrection of Jesus Christ and also the fact that we will all get to be resurrected someday and live together forever. It was wonderful to teach the boys about Easter and to learn together about the Savior and to bear testimony to each other. I'm so grateful that because He died for me, I can repent, try again and live with Him and my family again some day.

We also have the Easter bunny come visit the boys. They were very excited about their baskets this year. The first thing Liam did was did for his eggs, open one and before I noticed he popped 4 Hershey kisses into his mouth! Dan was excited about his kite and wanted to go right out and fly it. Liam wanted all of it. He read his new books right away and then took time with each new toy. It was so cute watching them go on "bug hunts" around the house with their new kits.

The boys had donuts for breakfast while Mike and I had danish :) Liam said he didn't like the donuts but he sure gobbled them up.

The boys even obliged and took pictures in pajamas and bunny ears :)

After we had church, talked to family and played with toys for awhile we had an indoor egg hunt. The boys had so much fun finding the eggs we hid that they requested to hide them for Mike and I to find which was lots of fun especially since they kept giving us hints.

We even had a little Easter again a couple days later when grandma kate's stuff got here :)

We hope everyone had a happy Easter!


So we didn't have church for Easter this year because we're still in quarantine because of covid-19 but that didn't stop me from going out and buying nice Easter shirts for the boys and taking some nice pictures!

Daniel is still so willing to take pictures and is getting good at posing. Liam is a goof ball and knows it. He also knows how cute he is and works it for the camera.

Easter feast

I love that the boys decided to call dinner a feast this year. We did have a very yummy Easter feast. We had ham, parmesan scalloped potatoes, corn, rolls, fruit and broccoli salad and it was all delicious! Just ask Daniel....he ate more than I did. The boys even helped make dinner by helping with the fruit salad :)

For dessert we made lemon squares and the best banana pudding ever!

mommy and daddy Easter

The Easter bunny only comes to visit the boys but Mike and I still like to do baskets for each other. This year we did ours the day before Easter so the day could be focused on the Savior and the boys. Also, we'd have more time to eat our treats :)

Mike did a great job this year. He got me a Reece's bunny (I've been eating reece's eggs for a month but this was still amazing!) and lots of other treats along with a new Harry Potter book from the new film vault series!

Mike got all his usuals...peeps, cadbury eggs, peanut butter m&m's and then we got jelly beans for everybody! I also got him a book about being creative and why creativity is so important.