love story

Monday, June 17, 2019

Fathers Day

Happy Father's Day Mike! We love you and we appreciate everything you do for us. We hope you had a special day! Thank you for loving our boys and helping me with anything I need even when you're tired after work. Love you!

The boys and I made mike his traditional German pancakes and had strawberries and blueberries and whip cream on top. The boys also gave him sweet pictures and did fun interviews about what they love about their daddy. After breakfast we went for a fun walk by the water. We threw rocks in the water and saw turtles, ducks and bunnies. It was hot but we had fun anyway.

Also, happy fathers day to my dad :) Thank you for being such a great papa for the boys!


we've been having more fun at the sprinklers. The boys are both getting braver. Last time Dan jumped through one of the big fountains and Liam got his hair wet. Liam was walking around putting his hands in the water and then he would touch his head and come run and tell me that he was watering his hair to make it grow.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

pool time

We went to the pool the first time a few days ago. Daniel is a little fish. Liam said the pool was too cold and that he would wait until it got warm. Then we went in the hot tub which was like being in a big bathtub. Dan had no fear and after a while Liam would let mike carry him around and finally sat on the stairs. Hopefully we can spend more time at the pool.

splash pad

Now that its gotten hot we've been going to the splash pad a lot. Daniel loves the water. Liam is a bit more apprehensive of the water. Liam has to wear his socks and spends most of his time jumping in the puddles. We all love being able to cool off though :)

top: July 2017 bottom: June 2019

Tuesday, June 4, 2019


After Daniel's party I had a girls night out with Stacey and Kaytie. We went to dinner and saw the new Aladdin. It was amazing! I laughed until I cried at one of the best and funniest things I've seen in a long time and I had all the nostalgia from the original. I spent the hour after the movie listening to the music and its what is playing in my car this week so luckily the boys like it too. I highly recommend it! I can't wait to see it again!

Daniel's birthday party

Since Daniel turned 5 this year we went ahead and did a party with his friends. I was super anxious but I think he had a great time and that is what matters. Dan wanted a truck party so did some simple decorations and we invited his friends from school and a couple from our playgroup.

We planned a couple games but we also got a pool which was a big hit! Dan, Barrett, Oliver and Charlie loved the water! Liam, Tanner and Ky didn't want to go in the water but they had fun playing the construction cone ring toss game and the other boys would throw the beach balls out and the other kids would throw them back. It was sweet to watch them find a way to all play together.

We had 2 other games- the marshmallow toothpick game and a digging game. The digging game was a huge hit. The kids each got a shovel and got to dig for the prizes for their goodie bags. The mess was huge and made me so happy we used packing peanuts instead of dirt! The marshmallow game wasn't as popular but the kids definitely loved eating the marshmallows!

After the games we had cupcakes and the kids enjoyed the pool until it was time to leave. I wasn't even going to attempt a group picture but I did get a picture of Dan with everyone who came to his party.

Happy Birthday Daniel!

Kyliah, Tanner, Daniel 

Barrett and Daniel 

Daniel, Ky, and Barrett

Dan, Liam, Oliver and Charlie
After all his friends left we did presents as a family. He loved all of his presents and it was a lot of fun opening them!

Thank you to everyone who came and helped make our boy feel special on his birthday!