love story

Tuesday, November 29, 2016


This year we celebrated our first Thanksgiving without any other family, it was just the 4 of us. At first I was sad because it would just be us but it was awesome! No one to impress and no arguments and no expectations of others. We could do whatever we wanted when we wanted. It was great! We planned to have a duck since we don't like turkey.

The day before Thanksgiving we planned to make our desserts. Daniel helped me make pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. I was worried because cookies I make don't usually turn out well. These were amazing though! They were so eating clouds. Dan was a pretty good helper too. My dad said it reminded him of when I would help him make cookies.

One of our Thanksgiving traditions is to do a huff and puff before we stuff. This was Liam's first Thanksgiving so it was fun to go as a family of 4. It was a little cold but we got all bundled up and then walked around our apartment complex with a couple different people who we kept going past.

We don't like turkey in our house so we did a duck this year! It was delicious! Mike did a great job. We had some of the other traditional things and we also had lots of pie! Daniel did really well with dinner which surprised me. He loved the duck and of course loved the rolls.

We had a wonderfully relaxing Thanksgiving. We had fun talking about what we're thankful for. Dan is thankful for mom, daddy and teddy :)

Monday, November 28, 2016

First snow

We finally had our first snow of the year. It wasn't Daniel's first snow but it was the first that he will remember. It was Liam's first snow though. Daniel loved running around in the snow and throwing it in the air. Liam wasn't impressed but to be fair he didn't do anything with it. He'll have lots of time to get used to it though. I'm sure this will be the first snow of many this winter :)

Happy 6 months Mr. Magoo

My little baby is 6 months old! Crazy! Time is flying by!

- Liam is eating oatmeal everyday and is loving it! He tries to hold the spoon himself.

- Liam is rolling all over the place these days. He is trying to scoot and is getting pretty close to crawling. Right now he just scoots backwards a lot.

- He is cutting a tooth on top right now and its making him a little cranky at times.

- He is getting better at sitting up by himself. I think he'll be able to do it soon.

- Liam still likes his swing and his bumbo. He enjoys bath time and also likes to be swaddled. We usually have to swaddle him while he eats because he hits his bottle out of his mouth when he tries to hold it himself.

- He is our little smiley boy. He smiles when he sees his daddy and laughs when Dan runs and jumps around. Liam thinks his brother is silly.

- He loves to play and he loves being around people. He gets upset when people all leave the room unless its time to go to sleep.

Monday, November 21, 2016


November has been a crazy month around here. Mike has been super busy getting his business set up and marketing. I've just been busy trying to keep these boys entertained and enjoying the last of the warm sunny weather for awhile.

Liam started eating solids this month. We started with rice cereal and he hated it! He would start screaming after 2 bites. So after trying it for a few days, we switched to oatmeal and he has been enjoying it much more!

Dan didn't like it either

We've had lots of trips to the park before the snow comes and we found out Liam loves the swing just as much as his brother :) Daniel has been a bit timid at the park lately. He tripped on one of the bridges a couple weeks ago and since then it takes him a good half hour or so to get comfortable to play and its worse if its super crowded.

We also had a fun visitor this past week. My friend Teri came to visit us from Salt Lake :) I hadn't seen her in about 15 years and it was so much fun to hang out! I love when you can see someone for the first time in a long time but it doesn't feel like much time has passed.

Liam has been rolling all over the place and trying to scoot around the house. Dan loves being my helper which has its good points and bad but I'm glad he likes to help. Dan is learning some new words too which is exciting and has also been trying new foods which is making lunch and dinner way more interesting! Daniel also wants to share his food with Liam which is very nice of him but Liam can't eat turkey wraps quite yet :)

Friday, November 4, 2016

meeting great grandma

We were finally able to take Liam to meet his great grandma Williams this week. She was so excited to meet him and he didn't disappoint. He made sure to smile for her and give her lots of snuggles. She was also happy to see Daniel and she had 2 cars for him that she helped make. It was wonderful to see her and let the boys spend time with her!

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Happy Halloween

Halloween was a lot more fun this year than it has been in the past. This was the first year that Daniel really got into it and we also had Liam which was fun. We've had so many fun things to do since we moved to Utah that October was a lot of fun.

Daniel recently started watching Scooby Doo and loved it so when we were picking a costume he picked the scooby doo costume. We couldn't decide what Liam should be but when we found a baby size Scooby Doo we were so excited! So they were scooby and scrappy doo! (Let's be honest we can dress them in anything and they'll be cute)

We started our Halloween with a little party at our complexes clubhouse. They had some fun games and yummy treats. Daniel's favorite was ghost bowling. He didn't quite understand that you roll the ball to hit the ghosts but he had fun throwing the ball at the pins.

We also had our trunk or treat. Our ward was one of 4 wards! So Daniel got a lot of candy! He walked the whole time and insisted on carrying his own pumpkin. He tried so hard to say trick or treat and was great at saying thank you. Liam just rode in the stroller but he was a cutie :)

The boys were pretty tired after a long day but not too tired to enjoy some candy :)