love story

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Birthday pictures

I wanted to do pictures of the boys for their birthdays. We went outside and after some bribing with cookies :) We got some great pictures! I love these boys and their adorable smiles!

Liam is 2

Liam's 2nd year has been a crazy one! He's such a resilient and confident little guy. Liam seems so much older than 2. We sure love this boy!

- Liam loves to talk! He is a great talker. He repeats almost everything he hears and is stringing words together into sentences. I love when he calls out for me in the morning and says mommy where are you?

- Liam loves playing outside. He likes to gather sticks and rocks. He climbs on everything he sees at the park and loves swinging. I think he'd live outside if he could :)

- Liam is the happiest and sweetest boy! He gives the best hugs and kisses and loves to snuggle. He loves to smile and his smile can light up any room. Everyone loves him and thinks he is the sweetest boy... which is true :) I truly believe that this happiness and light he has could change the world someday.

- Liam is starting to like books more. He still doesn't have the longest attention span for a story but sometimes I can get him to sit for one and sometimes he'll listen if I'm reading to Dan. If he does want to read a book its usually about puppies or pooh.

- Liam's favorite toys are puppies, trucks, trains and legos. For the most part he loves everything Daniel loves and he loves playing with his brother.

- Liam is an incredibly confident and independent boy. Sometimes this leads to him getting very frustrated because he wants to do everything himself and he wants to do everything his brother is doing.

We love you so much Liam! We're so excited to watch you grow up and see the amazing person you grow up to be.

Monday, May 28, 2018

My baby is 2!

Liam is 2! When did this happen!?! I can't believe my baby is 2! Liam was the happiest boy on his birthday. We tried to make his day really special. Even though Liam and I share a birthday, I like to make the day all about him and I take the day before.

We got donuts for breakfast. Liam was so excited to get a special breakfast before church.

I got him a special dinosaur shirt for his birthday because he is loving dinosaurs right now. Liam is the happiest boy most of the time. He is a great picture taker right now too. I love his big smile!

He's grown so much!
Liam had a great day at church for his birthday. Everyone was wishing us a happy birthday and he had a great time in nursery. His teacher brought birthday cake Oreos and they made him a birthday card with all the kids signing it with hand prints.

After church we decorated the house for his birthday and blew up lots of balloons and just let the boy go to town.

We had French toast for dinner because its one of Liam's favorites. We even put a candle in it and sang to him with just our family just for fun and of course we had to light it again so Dan could blow it out too.

After dinner we did Facetime with my parents while we opened presents and had yummy cake. I didn't take any pictures while we opened presents but he got lots of nice stuff and we took pictures the next morning. Liam had chocolate cake this year

We love our sweet Liam! He brings so much laughter to our home and we would definitely be sadder without him in our family. He is so smart and is always talking. He loves to play outside and find rocks and sticks. He loves to swing at the park and loves playing with Daniel. Liam makes everyone smile wherever we go because he loves to say hi to people and will say goodbye as they walk away until he can't see them anymore. We love you Liam! I'm sad to see you getting older but also excited to watch him learn and grow up. He may be 2 but he's still by baby and he is the best birthday gift I ever got!