love story

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Memorial Day 2015

We had a great Memorial Day this year. We spent the morning together going shopping and relaxing at home. That night we went to a little party at our friends house at the lake. We had fun talking and laughing with friends, eating yummy food, riding on the boat and sitting by the fire eating s'mores. It was a wonderful and relaxing day spent with friends and remembering those who have given their lives in the service of our country so we can enjoy the freedoms we have in this country.

Dan got so dirty but he also had so much fun!

25th Birthday

My actual birthday was fun but low key. I spent most of the day at home just hanging out with Daniel. I kept thinking about how last year on my birthday I was at the doctor and they told me I was going to be induced so I was doing baby prep on my birthday. This year was a lot more fun...Dan is definitely more fun on the outside than the inside :) Bri came over with Reagan for a little while which was fun but it was just great to relax for the day.

For my birthday Mike took me out to dinner at Red Robin and then to Cold Stone for ice cream. The food was so yummy! I ate way too much and enjoyed every minute of it! We brought along our friends Brianna and William and Ian to celebrate with us and it was awesome to hang out with them. Daniel was so good too! He sat and ate macaroni and cheese and some of the bread from mike's burger.

Good food, great friends= awesome birthday dinner! Thanks everyone! 24 was a great year and I hope 25 will be even better!

The day after my birthday we headed down to Charleston for my brothers high school graduation. Since we were there a few days early, my parents wanted to do a little celebration for me. It was low key but they just made me a special dinner and dessert. It was fun! I had my mom make me black bean pizza and for dessert we had oatmeal chocolate chip cookies with turtle tracks ice cream! It was so so yummy!

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Daniel's First Haircut

I was planning on waiting until Daniel's first birthday to get him a haircut but after a few people thought he was a girl we decided he could use a trim. So we ended up doing it a couple weeks ahead of his birthday. Mike has a friend whose wife Heather is a hairdresser so we took Dan to see her. I was a little sad about having him get his first haircut but I knew we weren't going too crazy so that helped to keep me excited instead of sad.

I was expecting to have to hold him while he got it cut since he very rarely sits still but he was my big boy and sat in the chair all by himself and surprisingly sat pretty still while Heather did his hair. He was such a big boy during the whole 10 minute hair cut haha.

Here are a couple videos :)

He doesn't look too different but its still a big deal that my baby boy got his first haircut. One things for sure though: he's still my handsome and sweet boy!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Mother's Day

This year I got to celebrate my first mother's day. I didn't ask for anything except to be able to do absolutely nothing all weekend. I requested no presents but on Saturday Mike spoiled me by letting me just relax and do a lot of nothing all day. The only thing I did on Saturday was take Daniel to a mommy and me breakfast.

The Chick fil A by our apartment was doing a special Mommy and Me breakfast. It was so much fun to spend the morning with the little boy who made me a mommy and is the sweetest and cutest breakfast buddy. The food was yummy and Daniel had a yogurt parfait and the best part was the oreos :) he hadn't had anything like that before and he really loved it!

Sunday we went to church and then spent the day together at home relaxing and talking to our moms on Skype and Facetime. Mike also made me sweet and sour chicken for dinner and brownies with ice cream for dessert. It was so good!

He snuck out and got me flowers :)

I love my sweet baby boy who makes me a mommy. I'm so grateful I have the blessing to be his mom. He is such a sweet boy and he makes me laugh everyday. (Also a big thank you to my hubby for making me feel like a queen all weekend) I love you Daniel! You're the best little bug a boo in the world!

I also want to say thank you to all of the mothers in my life. I have been blessed to have so many women who have taught me and loved me in my life. I am also blessed to have a wonderful mother and mother in law who love me.

I am especially grateful for my mom who raised me and taught me. I'm grateful to her for putting up with me and loving me even when I'm sure I drove her crazy. Thank you mom for loving me and for teaching me how to take care of Daniel and be a mom.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Cross Country 5k

This weekend I ran in a charity 5k. It was the race for Nicaragua. It was a small race, just 47 people. This race marked some more firsts for me. This was my first race in sunny weather and it was beautiful. It was also my first race with such a small group of people. Most importantly it was my first race on trails. I've learned that I'm not a fan of running in the woods. On the pro side the race went by a lot faster. Since I was focused on the trail (jumping over roots and rocks, running over streams and dodging trees. It was nice that it went by fast but on the negative side it really slowed me down. You just can't run as fast when you have a rock to jump over or a hill that is muddy. That was frustrating to lose my momentum and so that was one thing that slowed me down. I also got stuck behind people and the trail usually wasn't wide enough to pass. At least the woods kept me distracted from the hills and every time I started to get tired I just imagined a bear was chasing me :)

Even though this type of running was all new for me, the weather was perfect and it was dry and I still did pretty well. I got 25th place and finished in 35 min 27sec, not bad for cross country style running. I'm smiling in that picture but I was tired and ready to be done. The hill at the end was crazy...why do races always have to end on a hill? I don't think anyone after running any distance thinks "you know I hope after running x amount of miles I want to climb a hill! Mike was yelling at me to smile though so I did :)

Even though I didn't place, I did win a raffle prize. A gift card to Zaxby's ...not bad :)

I also had a great support team. My boys came to cheer me on. I hadn't ever had Daniel at one of my races so it was fun to finish and have him there as well as Mike. They're the best!

Aren't they cute!!!!