love story

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Eppersons are moving again

Well Maine it's been fun....

We've been in Maine for the last 9 (almost 10) months and at the beginning of September we made the decision to leave. Their were various personal and professional reasons for the move but we felt that it would be best for our family if we started anew somewhere else. Mike looked for a new job and found one in Las Vegas.

So its back to the desert for us! I miss the mountains so I'm excited to be back around them again. We've been telling the kids for a few weeks about Vegas and now they keep asking when we're leaving. The other day the boys were asking where their toys were going and we told them we were packing them and they would get them back in Vegas. So Liam said he wanted to go to Vegas and started to put his shoes on haha

We're excited for this new adventure for our family. One of the biggest reasons we decided to change jobs was because Mike realized he didn't want to be the boss. He is a wonderful chiropractor and he loves helping people and this new job will allow him to be a wonderful chiropractor and help people and build relationships without having the stress of running a business.

I'm excited for all the fun things the boys and I will get to do and no snow!! I definitely won't miss Maine winters! Hopefully we can stay in Vegas and really be able to get settled there.

Vegas here we come!!

Thursday, October 4, 2018


We wanted to take grandma and grandpa to the railroad village and the boys on another train ride. This time we got to ride on the covered car. The boys had fun playing on the tractors and Liam loved feeding the goats. This time he walked right up to one of the goats and fed it his ticket haha

My favorite car

After the railroad village we went down to the harbor to walk around. Grandma, grandpa and mike all got lobster rolls. They weren't fans :(

wildlife park

We took grandma and grandpa to the wildlife park while they were here so they could say they saw a moose when they came to Maine. Liam loved it just as much this time as last time! He loved talking to the animals. Daniel got to feed the bears this time which he loved and Liam loved feeding the ducks and geese.

Grandpa J got some good pictures too :)