love story

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Daniel isms

Daniel has been talking so much lately. It's been so much fun to hear his voice more and watch him learn how to talk. Dan went a long time without talking at all and then he started talking but only at home. He was so quiet that when his nursery leaders came to babysit him for the first time they were shocked. We came home and they said he talked to them but they had never heard him talk at church.

Some of Daniel's little phrases:

- "Daniel eat Liam"- (when he wants to feed liam)

- "Daniel go night night. Mommy and daddy go night give Daniel teddy. Liam puppy"

- "That's cool" (about all things construction especially)

- "Daniel go to school"

- everything is "nice"

Utah Fair

The state fair came to Utah at the beginning of September. The boys hadn't ever been to a fair and I've only been two or three times in my life so we were excited to go together.

The boys loved the animals. We saw lots of goats and sheep which were up for auction which is why they have letters on their backs. The boys also loved the baby chicks and geese.

Mike played two games to win prizes for the boys. We didn't have time to do a lot of rides so we just did the merry go round. Liam loved it! He sat up straight and held onto the horse and was so happy! Daniel liked it until the horse started going up and down. Then he just got down and sat and was very happy.

It was so much fun and hopefully next time we'll have more time to go on rides and Dan may be happier to ride.

Monday, September 18, 2017

Labor Day

Mike had 4 days off over Labor Day weekend! We were so spoiled having him home for so many days and we loved every minute of it. We were able to get a hike in on Labor Day. We got started early to beat the rush so we were alone almost the whole way up the mountain. On the way down we ran into lots of people.

It was just a 3 mile hike but we saw lots of beautiful flowers and water that was perfect for throwing rocks into.

I was so impressed cause Dan walked the whole time! Lately he's been wanting to be carried on hikes but this time I think the water was distracting and he also has fun finding the perfect stick he can carry on the hike and use it to swish water around in the little rivers and ponds.

After the hike we rewarded ourselves with some ice cream at the BYU creamery :)