love story

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Top of the World

Since Mike has this week off from school we decided to go and do something everyday and just explore the area that we live in. This was also the best way to get Daniel used to spending time in the car while still letting him sleep in his bed at night.

The first place we decided to go visit was Mt. Mitchell which is the highest point East of the Mississippi. We picked the only day this week that it hasn't been cloudy and raining to go and it was beautiful. The drive up the Blue Ridge Parkway is beautiful so half the fun of going is the beautiful view you get all the way up. The view at the top was beautiful. I love getting to enjoy the beauty of the Earth. Being up there really made me miss being in the mountains though. As beautiful and amazing as it was, its just not the same as being out West. Still I can appreciate these mountains and it truly is amazing and beautiful.

These were at an outlook at about the halfway point. 

When you get to the top you still have to walk a little bit to get to the summit but really its not far at all. It was funny though because we were tired going up and out of breath since we are so used to being at a lower elevation. It was a bit sad but it would have been fun to do a little more hiking so hopefully we can go back. The view was worth it though.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Summer Happenings

At the end of August my brother had a cross country meet in Charlotte, NC. Since we're so close Mike, my mom, Dan and I drove up there to go watch and cheer him on.

We also decided to take Dan to the pool for the first time over Labor Day Weekend. He looked super cute but he wasn't a huge fan of the water. Granted it was almost time for him to eat and he got woken up to go so he was a little mad at mom and dad. We'll hopefully get a chance to try again this year. He liked it for a bit but then wasn't happy so I took him home and gave him a bath and that made him happy.

While we were down in Charleston last weekend the BYU game was on. Daniel enjoyed cheering for BYU with his dad and grandpa.

We took some other fun pictures of Daniel :)

Snuggles with Grandma

Flight tracker
Big boy in his bumbo chair :)

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Three Months

Happy 3 Months Daniel!

Here are his stats:
Weight: 12 lbs 8oz
Length: 22 inches

- It has been a rough month for little Daniel. A few weeks ago he started getting really fussy and he wasn't sleeping very well anymore. He was also getting inconsolable and wasn't going to the bathroom as often as he used to be. The poor little guy was miserable so we took him to the doctor and he suggested we try soy milk. So we did that for a week but the soy formula ended up making him super constipated.  For a few days Daniel was so unhappy. He was crying all day and only sleeping once he had completely exhausted himself. He was never smiling and wasn't cooing and giggling anymore. So we took him back to the doctors and we started him on Nutramigen formula and he is doing so much better now. I hated seeing him so miserable and Mike and I were so tired and frustrated trying to find something that would work for Daniel and make him our happy baby boy again. It was only about 2 weeks of an extremely unhappy baby but it was more than enough. I'm glad it wasn't something more serious.

- He is such a strong little boy. He will grab onto our fingers and if we just pull on his arms a little bit then he will pull himself up into a sitting position. Also, he hates to burp so he will refuse to sit up and will just pull himself into a standing position!

- He still loves bath time. I love giving him baths! Its my favorite part of the day. He giggles and smiles and we "talk".

- Dan has discovered his fists and they are constantly in his mouth! Its so funny to listen to him sit and suck on his hands and fingers!

- He is starting to grab onto everything he can reach and of course try to eat it. He holds onto his toys, his pacifier, he tries to hold his bottle, he holds his blanket and us of course :)

- Dan loves to talk and be talked to. He is a little social butterfly. I love when I walk away and he bends his head back and squawks at me almost like he's saying "mom where did you go?" The only time he seems to be quiet and have a serious face is when the camera is on so I don't have any videos of his adorable talking but I'll catch him ;)

- Daniel is still super fun to take places. He does great in the car and doesn't mind being out and about which is great for us.

- He is sleeping well at night again and is really starting to get into a nice sleeping schedule at night and still sleeps on average about 6 hrs at night which is awesome.

- Now that he is feeling better he really only cries when he is hungry or when he poops his pants (he doesn't like to sit in it for long...can't really blame him on that one). He loves to be snuggled and he loves people which makes for a fun day of playing and talking.
"So done with pictures Mom" :)
We love our sweet Daniel! He is the best little boy and is so sweet and cute. We're so happy that he is feeling better so we have our happy Daniel back :) He makes each day better and makes us smile all the time!