love story

Friday, June 26, 2015

Father's Day

I love Father's Day because I get to celebrate my husband. I have to say that I am pretty spoiled (some would say blessed but I'll call it like it is) because Mike does so much for me and Daniel. He helps me so much and I love having a day to show him how much I appreciate him.

On Saturday I sent Mike to do something he loves which is golfing. So he spent the morning out on the golf course and it was his first time going in about 3 years so he was happy. Then we went out to lunch together at Zaxby's which is a treat since we don't go out to eat often.  Then we had chili dogs for dinner (one of his favorites) and after Daniel went to bed we cuddled on the couch and watched a movie.

Father's day was a pretty relaxing day. Sunday morning I made homemade strawberry and blueberry muffins and then we went to church. After church we came home and skyped and face timed with our dads to wish them a happy father's day. So on Saturday Publix was doing free cookie cake decorating for Father's Day so Dan and I decorated a cookie cake for Mike. So after a yummy dinner of mannacoti, we enjoyed some delicious cookie cake :)

It was a great weekend celebrating a great dad! Mike you're such a great dad to Daniel. I love that you're always excited to see him when you come home from school and you're happy to play with him. Thank you for always taking him at night for the last 12 months and for taking care of him in the morning while I go to the gym. I love that you read him books and that you can always make him laugh with your funny faces. You're amazing and I know Dan loves you! Daniel is a very lucky boy!

I also want to wish a Happy Father's Day to two other great dads. I'm blessed to have a great dad who has always taken care of me and loved me. He always tells me what I need to hear and always able to comfort me when I'm scared or when I just need to be cheered up. He's also a great grandpa! I love watching my dad play with Daniel. Dan loves his grandpa and grandpa can get him laughing like crazy. Thank you for everything daddy! Love you!

I'm also blessed to have a great father in law. He's taught Mike well and has taught him how to be a dad which I am very grateful for. I love that Mike goes to his dad for advice and we never have to worry that he's just going to tell us what we want to hear, he'll be honest even if we don't like it. J is also a great grandpa for little Dan and I'm excited for us to move to Vegas so Dan can get to know him better.

Happy Father's Day to all the dads out there!

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Daniel's Birthday Party

Birthday Boy :)
 Since Daniel's birthday was during Josh's graduation we had to post pone Daniel's party in Spartanburg for the week after. Our friends Bri and Craig were very sweet to let us come over and use there house for Dan's party since we wouldn't have been able to fit everyone comfortably in our apartment.

Since Daniel's animal is a lion (chosen by his grandma Kate) we decided that a Lion King theme would be perfect! We didn't go too crazy with decorations but I thought it looked great. Daniel had so much fun playing with everyone. We had some of his friends from church and it was cute to them play and to watch some of the older kids play with him and try to help him do everything.

We had a yummy cake made for Dan and Bri and I made and decorated yummy Lion King cupcakes for everyone else. I think they turned out pretty good.

The cake was interesting. I was curious to see how he would react to it. I figured he would either dive right in or wouldn't want it. He was curious about it and was hesitant to touch it. Once he started he enjoyed the frosting but didn't really care for the cake. Then he got upset and got frosting in his eyes and that was the end of the cake. I think he lasted maybe 5 minutes and then he was done. I think it was all a bit much for him. He was getting tired and with so many people in his face I think it was too much. We tried again with a piece when we were home and he enjoyed that a bit more but not much. Oh well it was fun while it lasted but I was a little disappointed that he didn't enjoy that part of his birthday more.

All clean after his bath :)

Dan went home after the party and was so tired but after he woke up we had fun playing with his new toys. Thank you to everyone who came and helped us celebrate!!