love story

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


We had a wonderful Easter this year! It was so relaxing and fun. Lots of family, yummy food, lessons about our Savior, and time to relax. Since grandma and grandpa Epperson were here, we went to there house on Easter morning for breakfast and we of course asked the Easter bunny to drop the boys baskets off at their house.

We got the boys up on Easter and started our morning with a lesson about the reason we celebrate Easter. We talked to the boys about the resurrection of our Savior and the boys were so excited to talk about Jesus.

After our lesson we went to grandma and grandpas house (aka Doug and stacey's house) and the boys got their baskets. We also had yummy French toast and fruit! It was so good! The boys loved their baskets. They got some fun books from us and grandma. They also got lots of goodies!

While we waited for church we read books with grandma and

We got some good pictures of the boys this year too! I love these little boys... my little bunnies!

After church we talked to grandma and papa in SC and then I took Liam home for a nap while we waited for dinner for the rest of the family to come over. After naps we went back and spent the rest of the day with everybody including grandma and grandpa May and the Olsens :)

After dinner we had an Easter egg hunt! The kids all had a lot of fun and Liam was surprisingly good at finding the eggs. I'm pretty sure the kids favorite part was eating all the candy after!

It was a beautiful Easter weekend. I'm so grateful to have had the opportunity to spend the week before teaching my boys about the Savior and focusing on the reason for Easter. I'm grateful that because of Him I get to be with my family forever. As my boys say with excitement, "Jesus came back"! and I'm so happy he did.

Monday, April 22, 2019


We started our Easter weekend by going to a baptism. Mike's cousin Kaytie's little girl Ellie was baptized over the weekend. It was a great day with family and a beautiful baptism. The boys were so excited to go to a baptism, they have been asking when they will get baptized for months now since we talked about Jesus being baptized. As we were leaving Liam said, "I didn't see the Holy Ghost. where was the dove?" He said he wanted to see one like when Jesus was baptized. I hope they are still this excited in a few years. It was a beautiful baptism though, the spirit was so strong and was definitely felt even though we couldn't see it.

After the baptism we went back to the house and dyed Easter eggs with grandma and grandpa. We used rice which the boys had fun with and Mike and J made a foam mixture to dye them which smelled so bad!

Liam was so tired on the way to the baptism. I also got a new pin from Doug. Its the Hogwarts crest and I love it!