love story

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Joshua Tree part 1

At the beginning of June we decided to take a trip to Joshua Tree National Park since we'd never been there before. It was a pretty drive to the park and we went on an absolutely gorgeous day. Sunny, blue skies and in the 70's most of the day. It was fun going to a park that is a bit different from the Utah national parks with red rocks. Their were people there of course but you're outside so its quite easy to stay away from other people. We didn't feel crowded and it didn't really get busy at all until our last hike of the day which was after lunch.

The boys were very excited when we first got there. They had been counting down the days and were ready to explore right away.

Our first hike of the morning was to Skull Rock. It was a fun hike. The most difficult part was the sand. Its not super solid ground because of water rushing through it when it rains so its a more tiring hike because of that. The boys whined a bit about it being harder but we tried to make it fun with their exploring set and climbing up on the rocks instead of just staying down on the sand.

So for my birthday Mike got a me a nice digital camera so this trip was my first time being able to play with it a bit. So Mike took the boys for the majority of the hike and I got to run around and play and pretend I knew what I was doing.

Trails namesake

Now for the phone pictures of this trail. It ended up being longer than we expected because it wasn't marked very well so we had to back track a bit but at least it was pretty and it wasn't hot.

Next we decided to drive to an outlook at the other end of the park but along the way we stopped a lot and I would jump out and take pictures. We were wondering why this was Joshua tree national park during our first hike because we hadn't seen any yet but we found them.

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